I am trying to get roles set up how I want/need them. I have 2 other preparers, they need access to create clients, create tax returns, efile...
But Also need to do invoice in quickbooks because that is how I have set up payments and tracking.
When I click on "New Role" I can give it a name, but that is the only field I can edit. How can I create a role and be able to do only the things I need.
It seems I have to do advanced tax pro with books, but that allows purchasing things, editing the business books, access to the bank account.
I have done more time with support. Roles are not ready for primetime. ProConnect is designed for single person offices. They have done some work with roles, but it is simply "Tax data entry" role (cannot even create a client record), or "Keys to the Kingdom", especially if you are using quickbooks online as well, as they can delete chart of accounts and major other permissions.
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