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I am new to ProConnect Tax. I am having trouble entering mileage for a Schedule C client. He gets a 1099 for the work that he does as an independent contractor. I keep getting error messages about depreciation. I don't want to depreciate his vehicle.

Level 1
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Level 15

Use the search box at the top of the left column to find 2106. It is under Deductions > Vehicle/.Emp... (2106). In the first few entries you will tie it to your Schedule C. Then enter Vehicle Information > check the boxes > Description, placed in Service, Total Miles, Bus Miles, Commute miles and you are done!

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
Level 15

If I could edit my reply, I would, but they seem to have Improved this portion of the site.

REMOVE any entries in the depreciation section for this car. 

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns