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Form 2441 Part II does not function I have everything filled in and nothing seems to be working. I can provide screenshots

Level 2
I can fill this form in manually (thanks to the IRS) but I cannot make ProConnect work correctly.  I can offer screenshots if someone can tell me how to fix it.
0 Cheers
13 Comments 13
Level 9

In ProSeries, you have to put the amount paid for each child in the column in the Dependent area on the Federal Worksheet. Then it should flow to the 2441.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Screen shot or more information would be helpful. Line 12 would be automatic from W-2 input. The rest is computed based on your input to make page 1 work correctly.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 2

I have done as you have suggested and it does not work




1 - Dependent Screenshot 2023-02-20 201306.jpg 2 - Dependent Screenshot 2023-02-20 201306.jpg 3 - 2441 Screenshot 2023-02-20 201444.jpg 4 - Provider Screenshot 2023-02-20 201602.jpg 5 - Provider Screenshot 2023-02-20 201602.jpg

0 Cheers
Level 15

Are you trying to claim child care for an 82 year old aunt?

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 9

The date of birth is the dependent's, not the taxpayer's DOB.

If the DOB is correct and the Aunt is being cared for by the taxpayer, the Aunt must be disabled, unable to care for herself and the eligible costs only includes care and protection, not food, lodging etc.

You would have to check the "Over 12 and disabled box" for it to work.

Level 2

So even though the individual is not disabled, you are saying to get ProConnect to calculate correctly I need to enter her as disabled.

Since this is not the Tax Code, I find this unacceptable.  I can use it to make it work, but it is an incorrect solution


0 Cheers
Level 15

Your idea that you can claim a dependent care credit for a nondisabled adult is unacceptable.

Show us where in the Code it says this can be done.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 9

I'm saying the only way to be eligible to claim the credit, as a taxpayer, is if the Aunt is disabled.

Correct solution - If she's not disabled, no credit.

Review the instructions for Form 2441 at IRS.gov, before you declare what the Tax code states.

Forcing the software to create a credit that the taxpayer is not eligible to claim is fraud, and truly unacceptable to the IRS.

All tax credits have specific eligibility requirements which must be met in order to claim them.

Level 2

To be eligible for the child and dependent care credit, the dependent must either be under the age of 13 or be a dependent or spouse of any age who is incapable of self-care.  There is no stipulation the individual has to be disabled.

Level 11
Level 11

From the Form 2441 instructions: "Any disabled person who wasn't physically or mentally able to care for himself or herself who lived with you for more than half the year and whom you can claim as a dependent or could claim as a dependent except:"

Level 2

Then Publication 503 must be incorrect.  Obviously there is a discrepancy between Publication 503 and your instructions for Form 2441.

The only solution is to make the ProConnect do what is required or utilize another program.  This is an area where Pro/connect could certainly improve.

For example, ProConnect does a poor job of collating information that could be used in a variety of ways when dealing with dependents, especially non-child dependents.

Since the individual may need care but is not disabled (can you say Joe Biden) ProConnect requires a user to enter false information to make the program do what it should be doing.  However, if the user does that, they are committing a felony.


0 Cheers
Level 9

What does the stipulation "incapable of self-care" mean?

You're wrong in your continued effort to blame the software for not allowing you to commit fraud.

0 Cheers
Level 1

thanks. input qualified expenses under the dependent worksheet and it does flow to form 2441. you saved me from pulling the rest of my hair out of my scalp!