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Is there a link to a blank paper organizer for 2019 for Proconnect Tax Online?

Level 2

Last year there were links for 2018 blank paper organizers.

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Level 15
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Level 15
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Level 15
Didn't realize that they have it updated already back in June - that's really early by any standard.  Wonder if they will have these updated.  At first glance, for example, it doesn't have any question on crypto even though there's now an explicit question on Sch 1 and it still does not have any question on Sch E safe harbor for QBI.
Still an AllStar
Level 2
Thank you!  These are the links I was asking for.  Now, how will we know if it will be updated?
0 Cheers
Level 15
Suppose you'll have to check periodically.  It'd be best if Intuit would make an announcement on PTO and the Community about new releases.
Still an AllStar
Level 15
Maybe @IntuitBettyJo could look into whether it will be updated.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 15

Maybe.  We had to push Intuit hard last year for them to update the two PDF organizers and those were posted quite late in the filing season.  Hopefully, they are paying attention and will have those updated without as much prodding.

Still an AllStar
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Level 2
Yes, please pay attention, Intuit Tax Online.  Many of my clients prefer a paper organizer, even those who are quite computer literate.  Just a list of questions and tax documents is not enough.
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Level 15
And that answer is not helpful?
Still an AllStar
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Level 15
Jensen ( @itonewbie ) doesn't work for Intuit Tax Online  so your no vote is completely out of line.
"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
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Level 2
Who voted no?  I completely agree with you.
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Level 15
Ahhhh...   we have asked for years that either the no vote option be removed, or at least we are allowed to see who voted no.   I ass-u-med it was you; my bad.

That *feature* will not be available in the *new & improved" forum that is currently being rolled out.
"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
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Level 15
That no vote does trip people up sometimes.  We've seen people clicking on that even when they didn't mean to.  I'll be glad to see that no vote button go but still not so thrilled about the new forum. :angry::angry:
Still an AllStar
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Level 15
You *know* how much I dislike it - but I'm not sure yet if I'm willing to trade it for the "new & improved" forum.  Not that it matters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
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Level 15
I know and agree! :smile::smile:
Still an AllStar
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Level 1

The link no longer works for the blank 2019 organizer. Would you please post a viable link? Thanks in advance.

0 Cheers
Level 15

@JH wrote:

The link no longer works for the blank 2019 organizer. Would you please post a viable link? Thanks in advance.

The new link is here: https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/help-articles/help/how-to-create-pdf-organizers-in-proconnec...

Intuit really should have redirected those old but still relevant articles to the new platform.

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