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I'm getting very frustrated with ProConnect's help. That is when you call for a question. Today I had to put up with someone's crying baby. April.

I wanted to find out when a particular Georgia worksheet would be approved/released, so I could file a return.  Ultimately, I never did get an answer, except: keep checking back.  It's March 8!  I could tell the person wasn't a veteran with Proconnect, because she got very defensive.  She said she had been around a good minute.  I asked her what that meant.   She indicated long enough to know.  NOT.  She had never heard of this community forum.
She's not the first one I've been appalled with.  Come on Intuit.
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2 Comments 2
Level 15

Wouldn't matter if that person is a veteran. Or may be it does, depending on how you look at it... (tongue in cheek)

Still an AllStar
Level 15

Have you asked this community for help? Start another thread with complete details and another user may be able to help you.

Your term worksheet makes me think you might be using ProSeries instead of ProConnect, but if I am wrong, it won't be the first time.


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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