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Death of partner how to report in Proconnect

Rose S
Level 3

I am working on a return where there are 12 partners.  One of the partner's died mid of the year and his share is distributed equally to the other family members. How do I report this in Proconnect?. Also, unable to figure out how to report the year end capital as zero for the partner that died. Yet to figure out if sec 754 election applies. New to this so any help appreciated. 


0 Cheers
2 Comments 2
Level 3

I have a similar issue.  No solutions, just more questions.  How do you change depreciable assets?  My survivor is the spouse who was also a partner.  Looks like all assets will have to be "sold" as of date of death, and re entered as 2 halves, one old basis and one step up basis.  (Client resided in non community property state).  Not sure how I will override gains or recapture if entered that way.

0 Cheers
Level 8

You need to review the Partnership agreement for direction on the 754 Basis adjustment.

Transfer the Capital amounts from the deceased partner's capital account to the other family members or estate.