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Client challenges accessing Intuit Link

Level 2

Many of my returning as well as new clients are having difficulty accessing Intuit Link this year. I'm wondering if other professionals are seeing similar problems for their clients. Here are a few examples:

One client called Intuit and even had Intuit "look at" their computer and client could not ever successfully login or change their password in order to login, even with Intuit's assistance(!). I have tried deleting and re-sending the 2023 link invitation to this client to no avail. As of now, they plan to drop off the traditional shoe box of forms at my office.

Another client emailed me today that they had previously successfully uploaded documents to the 2023 Intuit Link on 2/3/2024 and today, 2/10 tried to add more, "and it appears to be empty." They informed me of this difficulty by forwarding to me the 2023 client portal reminder email that gets sent automatically each week to all clients. 

I have seen other posts about difficulties with clients accepting invitations (see first problem above) as well as accessing Intuit Link later and that suggestions include having client go to https://prolink.intuit.com. I was also told by Intuit help personnel that we should be advising clients to logout of all other Intuit Products before trying to access Intuit Link.

This is my 3rd tax season using PTO and Intuit Link and it is by far the most challenging for my clients to access Intuit Link. 

Other than Intuit taking a good look under the hood to address these issues, does anyone else have any other workarounds for clients to successfully access Intuit Link for 2023 reporting year? Some browsers better than others? Other ideas? 


2 Comments 2
Level 1

I have one client that has said they get the "Nothing to do here, you have no requests yet" even though I double check that it was sent and they are signing in through the email request they received from me.  I have not had time to look into it but this sounds like the same problem.

0 Cheers
Level 7
Level 7

No reports from clients this tax season other than the usual confusion of being logged into another Intuit account and having problems logging into Link.

HOWEVER,  a client just reported this same issue of not seeing any To Dos in her portal, even though I have confirmed I sent them over.  

Anyone else seeing this?


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