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Can I transfer another PY return data for a client that I've already transferred?

Level 1

I already transferred the prior year return but I realized I carried the wrong version over and now. I would like to transfer the filed copy over but the client already sits in 2022, so I can't seem to find out how. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Comment 1
Level 15

If the 2022 return you rolled over from the wrong version serves no purpose, just delete it and create a new one with the right version of 2021 return.

In case you want to preserve it for whatever reason, you can just change the return name or give the new one you will create a different return name.

Clients do not sit in any given year.  They just exist.  Returns can then be created for these clients for different tax years and for different types of returns.

Still an AllStar