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"TurboTax Live connects you with a tax expert directly." Where is our Tax Pro *Live* Support?

User FIDO 61
Level 8

Where is the Tax Pro Support equivalent to TurboTax Live?

Rather than this self-support gamification through Community. Why not offer a Live Support option from Intuit for Tax Professionals? (You know somehow participating in Community we’re likely generating SEO for Intuit ads all the while. Mmm, fresh clicks, so tasty!) 

Sure, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is down to 3.6% (Oct 2019.) But who doesn't love them a side hustle, right?! Gamify the back-end for Live Support in addition to earning compensation. Certified assistance / troubleshooting of a certain number of verified Tax Pro clients can earn free tax prep from Intuit, or something.

Community is entertaining and helpful, but Intuit Tax Pro Support -- actual Support has been on the decline for some time now. (Right around when they dropped Lacerte's Live Chat Support offering.) Leaving it all to 1-800 telephone roulette is not cutting it. Not in Silly Season.

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪

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16 Comments 16
Level 15

"Where is the Tax Pro Support equivalent to TurboTax Live?"

It died - it was killed in a fiery car crash a couple of years ago.

Slava Ukraini!
User FIDO 61
Level 8

Perhaps my venom is incorrectly aimed en masse at Intuit Support. (PS. QuickBooks is, and always has been the debil 👿)

Any thoughts on how it is that each, and every Season... it all comes down to the wire for Form Approval, calculation correction and glitch renovation?

Intuit is not a Mom & Pop. Do they fire every Tax Pro developer after each Season? 

Is the IRS approval apparatus just that bass-ackwards? C'mon Mnuchin!

Is the Tax Engine like the Flux Capacitor bleeding edge Sci-Fi?!

Or, it's D.) All Of The Above "The Perfect Storm" 



Bonus: Ohio is the cluster of all clusters for Local Municipality & School District tax prep

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
Level 15

To be fair, sometimes it is Intuit's fault, and sometimes it is the taxing authority's fault, and sometimes it is the fault of the idiots we elected that like to change tax laws on the 12th hour.  But from the Intuit side of the issue nobody really knows if they have a lack of programmers or if they have a lack of competent programmers.  But if you have any extra flux capacitors that you aren't currently using, send them to Intuit, I'm sure they can put them to good use. 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

I thought this site was for tax experts 🙂

Level 15

This is a site for anybody that has access to the internet.  Intuit hopes there are a few "tax experts" that show up to answer questions just so they don't look bad. 😅

Slava Ukraini!
User FIDO 61
Level 8

All the frantic random posts seeking assistance wherever, about whatever, no matter relevancy to specific Community section... experts need not apply.

All are welcome!

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
Level 15

Did you see the notice that the Tax Talk subsection is "open for Ask me Anything" CT noon-2pm? I don't see a lot of Answering going on, though.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

Wait, now it shows 2-4pm? Maybe I translated the timezone difference incorrectly.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

It is labeled "Ask me Anything", not "We'll Answer Anything". 😁

Slava Ukraini!
User FIDO 61
Level 8

seems Tax specific... my gripes are generally usability and reliability of the Lacerte application itself 

Yes Thursdays 2-4 PM CST 

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
Level 15

It sure would be nice if the Topics Listing which shows which forum a topic is listed in, would include that the topic is in the Tax Talk forum. Well, I guess I can surmise this from not seeing any Forum assignment in that listing of that topic at all.

By the way, let's see if this gets answered:


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

OMG, you Professional preparers must find the topics being posted now very disheartening. Or, hey, maybe not. Someone is going to make money cleaning up and amending all the bad returns that are being prepared and filed, based on the questions being posted currently. It's like a rush of chaos just came in through an open door.

Especially the Ask me Anything topics in Tax talk. Wow, they really are Ask Me Anything, because a lot of the questions show a real lack of knowledge. That's a bit scary to me (if not to you), and one reason I love to hang out here. I like to see how bad application of the US tax laws and forms makes such a mess of my clients' reality. It helps me understand how things like that happen, when I am trying to explain what is wrong in their business and personal finance picture, and what action they need to take to get it all fixed.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
User FIDO 61
Level 8

They're seeding the clouds for something like this, maybe these are all indirectly propped up by the big names? What if these are the Live Experts from other prep offerings? Ha! 

H&R Block Second Look® Review

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
Level 15

Based on the number of questions being posted, it looks like they should have brought a bigger boat. 🦈

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"What if these are the Live Experts from other prep offerings?"

I really think you are using the word "Expert" too loosely.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

I personally think the omission of online chat support was a huge negative, IMHO.

0 Cheers