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California Banking

Level 15

Any of you Golden Staters have clients with accounts at Silicon Valley Bank? It’s an object lesson in why I prepare tax returns, I don’t help clients pay taxes. All those people who had set up automatic withdrawals for April 18, or maybe October if the disaster extension applies, will probably have to go back and change their instructions. My understanding is that the bank is still open, but under a new name and routing number.

Back in 2008, I had a client whose Social Security check was deposited directly to her failed bank. They sent paper checks instead. Autopay was not too common back in those days, so I don’t think any bill payments were missed. But remember, there is only one letter difference between autopay and autopsy.

Speaking of which, I am helping a client administer the estate of a relative who died September 14. A helpful CPA had set up a $2,000 estimated-tax payment from his bank account on September 15. There wasn’t time to stop it. The estate is now waiting for the refund. The taxpayer was in hospice care most of the year, and medical expenses reduced the tax owed to zero.

6 Comments 6
Level 15

After that bank failed, I started attaching notes to all of my client returns that are reporting refunds asking the IRS to please send cash.  You just can't be too careful these days.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15



Still an AllStar
Level 15

The bank failed because of what the Federal Reserve was doing with interest rates, and lax regulation -- but you want your clients to accept Federal Reserve notes?

Level 15

As longs as drug dealers are stilling willing to accept those notes, I'm guessing my clients will too.  Or have those drug dealing folks switched over to bitcoin?  Sorry, I don't have any experience with drug deals or bitcoin so I'm a little out of the loop with those topics.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"The bank failed because of what the Federal Reserve was doing with interest rates, and lax regulation"

Oh, Wow, great perspective. It's not because the bank decided to invest in equities securities at a bad time, going out a bit longer than most pundits on TV even advised (\sarcasm off). {corrected my reply}

This is why opinions are like fish; they go bad when they sit in the house too long. I love a good mixed metaphor.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 15

Obviously someone who watches only the Australians' News Channel.  They were buying long Treasury notes because they didn't have any risky ventures in which to invest.  Nothing safer than Treasury notes, until the Fed starts raising interest rates and they lose market value if not held till maturity.  

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