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Tax Bracket Worksheet

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Tax Bracket Worksheet


PLEASE consider including the Tax Bracket Worksheet at the bottom of the Federal Income Tax Summary so it will print for all clients. I have so many clients asking about how their federal tax is calculated, what is an effective tax rate and marginal tax rate. This would great to include for all clients. I do not include "Worksheets" with client return copies because it makes for too long of a copy for which many clients do not even read these details. At least can you configure the program for preparers to have the option in settings to include in client copy would be great. Thank you.

Thanks for the idea to Include the Tax Bracket Worksheet at the bottom of the Federal Income Tax Summary so it will print for all clients . We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

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Status: Open for voting
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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea to Include the Tax Bracket Worksheet at the bottom of the Federal Income Tax Summary so it will print for all clients . We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >>  Lacerte Idea Exchange

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