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Printing single estimate vouchers in PDF

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Printing single estimate vouchers in PDF


I email quarterly estimates to several clients during the year while they're under extension.  The amounts vary from quarter to quarter.  I would like to be able to print only that quarter's voucher along with the cover letter and filing instructions.  However, Lacerte prints all 4 vouchers for Federal and each state every time.  I realize my clients can choose to only print out the voucher they need but this seems like it could be a simple option since some state modules already only print the voucher with an amount other than zero.

Thanks for the enhancement to be able to print quarterly vouchers, cover letter and filing instructions (like some states when there is an amount other than 0). We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> Lacerte Idea Exchange

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Status: Open for voting
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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the enhancement to be able to print quarterly vouchers, cover letter and filing instructions (like some states when there is an amount other than 0). We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> Lacerte Idea Exchange

If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Exchange Getting Started Guide for more information.

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