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PDF Version of Organizer

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PDF Version of Organizer


My clients are requesting FILLABLE organizers.  Can you make this happen so we can stop with the paper organizers?   The e-organizer is not something most of my clients can work with so a fillable PDF would be great. 

Thank you for your feedback and votes. 
We understand this is an opportunity not only for Lacerte but for many accountants using Intuit products. This idea continues to be Under Review as the team is researching options for a holistic approach on this topic. 

Please continue to share your feedback as we develop and scope next steps for bringing this enhancement to life. 

Status: Under review
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 2

To TEParr:

Yes, a client of mine a few years ago made the same comment about TurboTax.  They are now a former client, to my complete satisfaction.  If that's what they think of you, then perhaps this may be a wakeup call for the type of clients you serve in your practice. 

That is, if all they think of you is a more convenient form of software program, you're not adding any perceived value to the relationship. 

By the way, if they don't want to answer  your questions, what do you do for lack of data?  Make up the answers yourself?  Or, ignore the unresolved issue?  Does your engagement letter cover these conditions where clients refuse to cooperate with giving you the data you need?

CAMICO (in California) says that you if you impose your decision on the client's tax return, you own the consequences.  You're responsible for the outcome.  Like, for example, adopting an election that they are clueless about, until later, when it bites them in the rear.  Then, you're calling your insurance carrier and saying hello to sleepless nights.  

It's our role to advise and inform.  It's the client's sole responsibility to make the decisions.  You have to document everything, with dates and times.  

This is my 46th year in tax practice, and i'm liking this profession less and less.  Especially with Lacerte dropping the ball so frequently now a days.  So, we have to make up for Lacerte's shortfalls who impose upon us these ridiculous questionnaires and worse organizers, plus all the IRS BS we're now responsible for covering, or expose ourselves to more litigation exposure and IRS sanctions.

There's no nobility in subjecting yourself to these abuses that low life clients demand you endure.  Check your self-esteem level.  Maybe you're involved somewhat in how clients feel they can treat you.  

Send them the questionnaire you need to, and forget the low life's that make your life miserable.   Chances are, they don't deserve you anyway.  And, if you lose a few clients, that's OK.  Raise your prices on the remaining ones and work less for more money.

Welcome to tax preparation in 2021. 

Returning Member

Yes! We definitely want a fillable pdf organizer!!!!

Returning Member

This is technologically simple to accomplish. Features like these should precede efforts to create newer "fancy" features. 

Returning Member

Yes, fillable pdf Organizers are very much needed!!

Returning Member

Absolutely, please please make this happen.  I get clients asking for this all the time every year.  Intuit Link begins to approach this and clients like answering the questionnaire via intuit link.  

Returning Member

If we try to send organizers through Lacerte, they have symbols instead of letters.


Returning Member

Agree with the others - fillable PDF organizers  - 




I agree that fillable pdf organizers is what my clients want.  I do not know why Lacerte's programmers can't make this a priority. The e-organizers are a disaster.


Level 15



Level 3

I agree 100%!  I don't like using the e-organizers and Intuit Link, and I have had clients ask for fillable organizers.  

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