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Kansas electronic estimated tax payments

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Kansas electronic estimated tax payments

Manhattan KS CPA

I am a new user to Lacerte converting from UltraTax.  To my shock and indeed horror I just found out that Lacerte does not perform electronic payment of Individual Kansas estimated tax payments. UltraTax did perform electronic payment of Individual Kansas estimated tax payments.  I am herein pleading with Lacerte management and programming staff to implement this change ASAP.  Briefly, I prepare about 280 individual income tax returns.  At most I have maybe 10 such clients who will remember to make their KS estimated tax payments when I provide them with vouchers and instructions.  The rest of my clients just forget it about and then they are aghast when it comes filing time and they realize how much KS income tax they owe.  At this point it is probably too late for me to back out of my Lacerte subscription, but if I had known this in advance it would have been a deal breaker for me.  The same is true of every other state and jurisdiction - any that allow electronic payment of balances due, extension, and estimates should be fully automated in Lacerte and any other competitive income tax preparation software.  HELP!!!!!

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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea and the feedback. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Exchange Getting Started Guide for more information.

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