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Clear colored alerts bars when close alerts browser

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Clear colored alerts bars when close alerts browser


Lacerte 2022 alerts show in colored bars across the top of the window.  When you open an alert from the bar or from the alerts icon, the browser appears.  It displays different than last year, and when you click the X in the upper right corner the browser closes, BUT the colored bars do not clear.  Please resolve

Thanks for the idea to clear colored bars in notifications. We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> Lacerte Idea Exchange

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Status: Open for voting
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New Member

Pain in the neck...please fix Lacerte 2022

Level 1

Please fix this.

Level 2

Here we are a year later and this is still unresolved.

I'll never know when something needs to be read because I refuse to continually waste time looking at old items that have no bearing on what I'm doing.  If I don't look at them, they don't go away.

Lacerte, the ball is in your court.


Level 3

The alerts are a problem.  Also, when an alert is cleared in one year, it should clear for all years.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea to clear colored bars in notifications. We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> Lacerte Idea Exchange

If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Exchange Getting Started Guide for more information.

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