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Just wondering are you going to be taking in person appointmens

Level 7

As we get ready for the new tax year and the virus continues on are you going to open up for in person appointments. I talked to our county health deparment and my business attorney. Last year we were not accepting in person appointments. I just know everyone is getting tired of no face to face apppointments. I know I have to do what is best for everyone. I dread the thought of  us having to do the contract tracing and calling if we have an exposure. With the number of people we see I know this is a real possibility.  Thank you for your thoughts



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11 Comments 11
Level 1

I have been having that same debate.  Given our area and the increase in cases as of late I think I am going to stay to zoom, phone and in person only when it is very necessary.  I just can't stand the thought of being the cause of someone being infected.  Our area is only at 50 percent vaccinated so it is a real possibility.  

Level 15

Had you asked two weeks ago, I would say 15-30 minutes with masks, front door open (70 degree weather in Arizona) for ventilation.  Now, I am expecting January to be the worst month ever for Covid.  

From a Washington Post article this weekend from Denmark:

"Denmark’s data shows people with two doses to be just as vulnerable to omicron infection as the unvaccinated. Those who’ve received boosters have better protection..."

I could say more about the vaccine refusers -- I don't think many of my clients are in that category, but I think many of them don't stay far enough away from those who are.  I prefer to meet in person with those clients who want an appointment, especially after missing out on that last year, but I also prefer to be alive and, as @asweaver  says, not to infect others.

Level 15

I am on the same train as last year - meet if we really have to but I am definitely not encouraging anyone to camp out in my office.  My preference would be to have a few pissed off clients instead of being dead.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

Last year I discouraged all meetings, but had a few anyway. I bought a plastic shield to keep on my desk.

I took the shield down in June, but still have it handy. Up it comes in February.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 15

My shield never left.  It got pushed aside, but it is now back in "blocking" position.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

I'm perfectly open to meeting in person, but anyone wishing to do so we'll have to travel about 1000 miles.

Last year we learned how to work remotely and we're doing it again. The office is in NJ but I'm spending the winter in Fl... not going home til the snow melts or 4/16, whichever is later.

Clients don't seem to mind... and it's not like I'm offering the option.... They can mail, fax, email, intuit link, or drop off their information at the office to be scanned (anything except texts). . 

If they need an appointment, I set one up after I've reviewed their paperwork (and tell them what documentation they've neglected to send initially. 


If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

To this day, not a single study has shown that the clear plastic barriers actually control the virus, according to Harvard's Joseph Allen, an indoor-air researcher who calls the plexiglass shields “hygiene theater.”


Level 15

From the article:

"Plastic makes sense in certain settings, all agree: in front of a cashier who faces many people at close range through the workday, for instance."

Isn't a tax preparer sitting at their desk kinda like that cashier?  If noting else it does give the indication to clients that we do kinda take this stuff serious, so put your mask on and don't whine about it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Masks do help muffle the volume of the crying and whining in a tax interview. Maybe they should be a requirement forever!

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 13

I printed a photo of me and hold it on a stick so people can see what I look like. Like these:


** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 15

"I printed a photo of me and hold it on a stick"

Are you mailing these out to all of us, soon? Along with my free covid test kits, it will be like Christmas all over again!

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers