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Illinois e-file payment error?

Level 1

Anyone else receiving the below error message?

e-file:  Illinois e-file payment is not included in this version of the program and will print as a blank sheet with an 'unavailable' notation until it has been released and/or approved by the State and Lacerte."?

We are unable to e-file any Illinois returns because of this error message.

Anyone have ideas how to overcome this?

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Community Manager

This has been reported and noted as resolved. Please make sure everything is up to date. 
If you are still experiencing this error, you'll need to disable the e-file error checking in order to transmit. 

  1. Verify all additional diagnostics have been addressed.
  2. Click the E-file dropdown menu.
  3. Click e-file Support Tools.
  4. Select Disable e-file Error....
  5. Click OK.
0 Cheers
Level 1

I tried this - it did not work.   IL Failed Transmission 

Any other suggestions?  

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