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How do I get the percentage to show up for a solar energy credit on Form 3468 for an S-Corporation?

Level 1
  • Part 1 (there is no petition for provisional emission rates). 
  • Address of building entered.
  • #4 - There was no construction, the solar panels were installed on an existing building. 
  • #5 - Have date placed in service
  • #6 - no
  • #7 - yes
  • #8 - 11, not applicable or no
  • #12 - 11,520 for dc
  • #13 - 10,623 for ac
  • #14 - no
  • Part VI, Section B (Solar Energy Credit), 3a, entered the solar cost

What am I missing?  The percentage does not come up and jump to input is unavailable.


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1 Comment 1
Rondi H
Level 1

I have the same issue with Form 3468 on a partnership return. Did you receive any answers from your post or find a resolution?

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