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Error message while trying to backup lacerte client files

Level 1

Getting the following while trying to backup "an error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details" Any fix on this?

0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 2

getting same message. Any answers out there?

0 Cheers
Level 3

I am getting the same message! Sometimes, I copy a client and the new client will back up just fine.  Then, I delete the first client with the error.  However, this is happening to a return that I have already gained REP access for a 2nd state.  If I copy, I will be charged twice.  So, I am looking at other options.  Any suggestions??

0 Cheers
Level 2

In occasions years back that I have ever needed to do this, I call tech support and request that the second charge be reversed. There may even be an online way to request that now. I monitor my REP billing carefully.

Community Manager
Community Manager

The "inner exception" needs to be found in the error log to discover the nature of the issue.   Please Contact Us.