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Another Form 7203

Level 3

I have shareholders who want the Form 7203 included with the K1 package even though they have income and aren't required to include it with their 1040.  Both of the Lacerte articles I found, one dated January 17, 2023 and one dated January 18, 2023 say that you can force it to print by going to Screen 28, Schedule K Miscellaneous and check the bos "Use Form 7203 for the Shareholder Basis Computation".  I don't know if I've lost my mind or what, but I don't see a reference to the 7203 on either the global Schedule K Miscellaneous screen or the per partner K-1 Miscellaneous screen.  The global screen does have an option to force shareholder basis schedules, but when I put in a '1' to force, nothing changes.  What am I missing? 

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Level 15

Settings > Options > Items to print


Here's wishing you many Happy Returns

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Level 15

Settings > Options > Items to print


Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
Level 3

Brilliant - thank you so much!!

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