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Advanced Child Tax Credit Repayment Protection

Level 1

On my clients 6419 it reports 3 children that she received ACTC payments for which is correct. This year she is only claiming 1 child and qualifies for Repayment Protection. However, the program is putting 1 child in on the 8812 and that is causing her to have to repay. Has anyone come across this yet? How do I get the program to calculate it correctly? 

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6 Comments 6
Level 15

Is this the same and the question you asked last week, here:


Did you read that reply. Are you going to participate in that discussion further, so that you can get the help you want?

I will flag this for deletion unless it's not the same issue. Thanks.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 1

It is the same question. The reply simply asked how I knew they qualified. The answer to that is based off the IRS guidelines. I now know that its because the program is not putting the number of children reported on the 6419 but the number of children on the return, which per the IRS is incorrect. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

It is working for me.  Are you saying that Line 30 of the 8812 is only showing 1, rather than the 3 that you entered from the 6419 worksheet?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Yes that is correct.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Oh, sorry, I just noticed that you are using Lacerte (I use ProSeries).  It is working in ProSeries.  So I don't know if it is an error in Lacerte or if there is some 'trick' that you need to do.  Or just override line 20 and see if the repayment limitation kicks in.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"It is the same question."

There is never a reason to ask the same question twice when you are already being helped where you first asked. That allows all the peer volunteers that are trying to help, to see what has already been started and working on, with you, on this same topic. That was my point; staying to the one topic and helping the person helping you, is the way to get the help you seek.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
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