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Accessing the Program

Level 2
Who do I talk to about:
1 - Getting rid of the splash screen particularly that photo
2 - Not having to click on each alert to get rid of them.
3 - Not having to sign in each and every time, even within the same browser.
4 - Not being able to comment on posts for L Tax News and Updates. They are marked solved, but they are not really.
That is all for now. Thank you.
0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 15

1,2 and 3 have been discussed here many times. Do a search.

4. Intuit employees post these and have somehow locked them. What would you want to say? You can start a new post and include a link to the Tax News and Updates post. Generally I don't find them useful and feel no need to comment on them. I have done this "start a new post and include a link to the Tax News and Updates post." when said post contains an error.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 2

Exactly, many times and nothing is done. Today I was particularly bothered by all of them.

Plus I asked about the May 15 extension of time, for most people in CA, and was told there are no changes to the program for local disaster zones. So we are left to fend for ourselves.

But if you want continuous ads about their products, no problem. As if we are not aware of ALL of them by now.

Level 15

"and was told there are no changes to the program for local disaster zones. So we are left to fend for ourselves"

What changes are you looking for?

Level 2

An option to show that payment or filing will be on May 15. ES on May 15, etc

0 Cheers