Client has two W2s and has lived across 2 states in 2021.
One W2 is for income generated in CA.
Another W2 for income partially generated in CA and NY. NY has been the primary residence since May 2021.
New York state is pulling in the first W2 from CA as taxable income when this is not correct as client accrued this income entirely in CA.
Has anyone else experienced this and discovered a solution?
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The software is doing what you told it to/didn't tell it not to do.
Look in the help for how to do multistate tax returns.
On the NY return forms, there is place to allocate wages to NY. You'll need that part.
You must have told Lacerte the first W-2 is NY. Or you don't have the part year CA/NY stuff filled out correctly.
Or, you did NOT mark NY as a part year resident, leading the software to think client was a full year NY resident for 2021.
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