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K-1 Package - Missouri Additions Page not Included

Level 2

When a Missouri partnership or S-Corporation has MO-PTE and also has Missouri additions or subtractions, the MO-PTE allocation page is attaching automatically in the K-1 Package but not the Missouri Additions or Subtractions allocation. Is there any way to get this to automatically include in the K-1 package?

2 Comments 2

Interesting observation.

I don't expect the additions and subtractions to be included but maybe you have a suggestion or maybe you know that Missouri requires that page. hmmm

I know that CA Schedule K-1s don't include adds/subs.  I don't know anything about Missouri.


0 Cheers
Level 2

When there is no MO-PTE present in the return, the Missouri additions and subtractions schedule is included in the Shareholder K-1s for Missouri. But, when you add in MO-PTE, its like that page replaces it in Lacerte instead of adding to it.

Without that additions or subtractions schedule, there is nothing in the K-1 package that informs the partner of their required MO addition or subtraction. So, we have to manually add it every time.