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How do I generate the 8606 with line 6 filled out?

Level 1
I entered the 12/31/21 balance on the Form 8606 section of the pension tab and it is not showing up on the 8606.
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1 Comment 1
Level 2

This one is tough to fetter out.  There are a zillion if/then switches to get right.  The one that most often blocks this is not having the "IRA" box checked on the "Detail" tab.

Makes sure you input the amount of your Roth conversion a couple lines down from the IRA balance.  Having it in box 1b above is not enough.

Also try putting a "1" in section 8606 to force the 8606.

Try "Show all forms" to navigate to Form 8606, and right-click "Jump to Input" in a few places to see if that reveals anything.

If that doesn't fix it, you'll likely need to call support.

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