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Calculation issue with VA Form 502PTET

Level 2

I'm trying to figure out if this is a Lacerte issue or something I'm missing. Client is filing the VA 502PTET form for the first time this year. Based on everything I can find, the amount calculated on page 2, section 1, line 1 in column A should be Federal taxable income x VA apportionment %. I have Sch K income of $1,280,626 ($1,290,613 ordinary income + $13,318 interest income - $23,305 179 deduction). My VA apportionment is 93.2914%. The amount I expect on the 502PTET as taxable income is $1,194,714. The amount Lacerte is calculating is $1,193,150. It's off enough that I don't feel like it's rounding.

I'm guessing I'm missing something in the calc, but can't tell what based on the instructions. The PTE addback and depreciation decoupling come later on the form so I don't think they're having any impact on the difference. Anyone else run into this problem?

1 Comment 1

rounding? If you truncate the percentage to two decimate places, do you get the LC amount?

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