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Anyone using Tax Import?

Level 3

We were considering using Tax Import this year to save time with data entry. I just spent $15 trying it out on a fairly simple return and wasn't impressed at all. It missed a stock sale, couldn't figure out which W-2 was for the taxpayer and which one was for the spouse, didn't read the 1098 or 1095-A. I was hoping it would sort the documents as well. I believe Ultratax will sort your PDF and bookmark it. This seems like a no-brainer for Lacerte for Lacerte to improve upon. 

3 Comments 3
Level 15

My opinion. Even when it works, it seemed to me I spent MORE TIME proofing and looking for extra incorrect forms, then I did actually doing the input directly.


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Yeah, that's my fear. This doesn't seem like it should be difficult but... Intuit.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I played with it last summer, on a return with one W-2 and one brokerage statement (I can't remember if there were stock sales).

I agree with George - it takes longer to find out what was missed than it does to just key in a simple return.   And a complicated return - where there might be some benefit - well, I can't imagine it gets better with complexity.  

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