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8958 when spouses not sharing info

Allocating wages 50/50 in a community property state on Form 8958.


Spouses not sharing info/not talking.

So I can't allocate wages 50/50.

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2

To suppress the 8959 in Lacerte you can override the community property rules in Screen 3 using the field "Apply community property rules: 1=no, 2=yes" by entering a '1'.

However, I'm not certain if there are any penalties the IRS would apply to the spouses for not filing the form when required. I didn't see anything referencing it in the instructions or within a quick search through IRS FAQs. Lacerte will not produce any additional information.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Which state?  Community ends at a certain point, depending on state law.  Separated?  Filed for divorce?