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59(e) research not deducted

K-1 from 100S, passive.  No federal deduction on 12c.  California Line 12c lists an amount of 59e Research & Experimental expense. This amount is not being deducted on Schedule CA against the passive income from this S Corp.  I don't know why.


Ca does not conform so it isn't required to be amortized.


There is a research credit Line 13m which might be interfering or coordinating in some way.

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3 Comments 3

There is no basis limitation. So that is not preventing the 59(e) deduction


Aside, maybe interesting:  What is the reason this is not a Box 12J item on the K-1?

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These costs are deductible. The LC guidance says, "If these expenses are deducted in full in the current year...".  Has the S Corporation already deducted them and are presenting them separately on Line 12 in case the TP chooses to amortize them?


Note:  LC support told me that I need to contact the IRS.  I'm mad about that.


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Answer:  Nonpassive activities allow this deduction.  

Question:  Should the nondeductible amount be carried forward?  It is not appearing the carryforwards list.

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