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Newest version? Personnel change?

Level 4

Normally the person I would bounce my questions off of would be Matthew at Intuit...  but his email address started bouncing back to me.  (We traded messages in early April.  I tried in late July, got a bounceback.)
  Has Matt left the ODBC group?  Is there a replacement person with whom I could speak?


Secondly, I tried connecting and got a message that I needed to use the current version.  (I had been using a 12-Oct-2022 download;  So I connected, pulled down the most current version & installed it (
  ...and still get exactly the same message, use the current version.

Is there a hidden version to download that I don't know about, somewhere on the SDK site?



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Level 15


From: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/lacerte-sdk/docs/lacerte-get-started

Is that a site you use? It's a clunky selector, in that top left corner.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.

View solution in original post

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11 Comments 11
Level 15


From: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/lacerte-sdk/docs/lacerte-get-started

Is that a site you use? It's a clunky selector, in that top left corner.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 4

That is the website that I used, and those are the files that I pulled down.  I'm looking at the ZIP file from yesterday (31-Jul-2023) and it says, just like I posted.
  TODAY when I pull one down, I agree with your message: it says

Looks like I gained .004 versions overnight...



0 Cheers
Level 15

"Looks like I gained .004 versions overnight..."

Hey, the extra weight looks fine on you.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 4

For the record, I did pull down the new version & install it yesterday, and it worked just fine for the couple of interactions that I had.

TODAY, though, I get the message that my version is blocked, and I need to go get the current version.

So I took the opportunity--and the "LacerteEncryption <at> intuit.com" email address helpfully provided in their pop-up box--to write them a "WTF?!?!" email inquiring what is going on.

Personally, I do not feel that "three downloads in four days" should be required....


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Level 15

"I do not feel that "three downloads in four days" should be required."

I wish it was easier to find "what's new" and that people would adhere to Version.Rel numbering, like first strategized. Especially access rights and permissions are driving me crazy lately, and Windows 11 doesn't seem to have settled into what it wants to be when it grows up. Something runs fine, but doesn't play well with something else, and the next thing I know, it's a cascade of adjustments.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 4

Again in the realm of "make of this what you will", but after emailing the address that the pop-up provided, I quickly received an apologetic response and an offer of a conference call to see what was going on.  (That came in overnight, for mid-morning my time [Eastern].)

While testing in advance of that call, I had to write back and tell them that I was able to open both kinds of tables (client detail, as well as firm data) just fine this morning; UI forms also connected properly.  Grabbing some files needing transmission, I was able to go through them without getting (7x per iteration through the script) pop-ups saying "wrong version", too.
  Literally the ONLY thing that changed overnight was that I turned the laptop off for the evening.  I made no changes to whitelist (as they suggested), nor did anything with API.

Maybe the CPU just needed the hovering *threat* of unleashing tech support upon, Sword of Damocles style...


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Level 4

And now again today I am getting told "get the newest version", I look at the site, and it is, exactly the same as I downloaded on the 1st of August.



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Returning Member

So is the latest version ( available somewhere? The actual download page says that .356 is the latest version, but its download links point to .zips with in them (as of September 13, 2023).

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Level 4

Since 2 weeks ago when I popped back in to inquire, I have not been having issues with connecting.  I am still using the .356 that I pulled down at the beginning of August.

If the page now has only .352, then they have reverted for some reason.


I just pulled down both ZIP files again, and I agree with you: the files inside are plainly named as .352.


Since I *have* the .356 ZIPs, if you want to email me directly ("robert dot kirk at jacquesfinancial dot com") then I can hook you up....


(edited to correct "365" to "356")

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Returning Member

That would be SWELL, Robert!

I am trying to fix a rather annoying ODBC authentication error (the "unable to perform authorization check. The LacertTax application must be setup and have resolved the proper realm id.").

Our issue seems to be triggered if my ODBC string contains any year OTHER than 2019...

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Level 4

Just to be sure, when you set up the connection, you told it to point to the <other year, call it "2022"> file path, AND changed the "year" indicator to <that year> / 2022?

I got burned on that the first couple of times when I "updated my 2018 connection" to a different year, and only changed the NAME of it, not the file path.  Okay, I connect to the alias for 2019 data...  which still opens files in the 2018 directory.  Derp.


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