Not clear when, but there is an update to the Lacerte SDK.
I have not installed or tested as yet.
Suggestion to Development for nomenclature and related content.
Please name the ZIP packages as Lacerte_SDK_[VERSION]_x[bits] as opposed to Lacerte_SDK_Latest_x[bits]. The newest is always the latest.
Please also include a release date and ideally Release notes. It's helpful to be able to validate changes are properly working in our tool sets.
NOTE: Do not Right-Click Save as to download the Archive. Click the archive and use the Download button in the new window. The former will result in an unusable ZIP file.
Yesterday I installed this update, and after some testing it appears to have the same issues as we saw last year with Individual and Partnership Tax Types failing to retrieve data.
I sent an email to and waiting for a reply.
It appears you can not "downgrade" the SDK with out first Uninstalling it from Add\Remove Programs in Control Panel. I rebooted to be safe, before reinstalling 436 but still seemed to have a problem not getting connected right off. Not clear what I did, but after building a new connection in a new Excel spreadsheet it started to work with the downgrade (436) SDK.
I could not agree more, it is impossible to track or tell if there is a new ODBC driver
They changed the description and the one marked 24tax is there, i downloaded and installed and it fixed our problem. Still not sure why i got a realm id error when trying to access lacerte, maybe it has a realm id that i forgot or something.