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WI 1041 Trust diag #59286 "If any part of the PTE representative information is present"

WI 1041 Trust diag #59286 "If any part of the PTE representative information is present"

The following diagnostic is generating: "If any part of the PTE representative information is present, then all of the following representative information must also be completed: pass-through entity type, representative first and last name (or representative business name if not individual), contact person first and last name, valid email address, and complete physical address (US or foreign). (Ref # 59286) This is a Wisconsin Critical Diagnostic; our client did not provide an email address and as far as i can tell that is the only thing missing from the PTE representative page that i can find. is there a way to override the missing email address to clear this error?

Try just e-filing the return and see what happens. Some diagnostics are just warnings and will not affect the ability to file the return.