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What date is Lacerte's fillable PDF tax questionnaire and organizer going to be available?

What date is Lacerte's fillable PDF tax questionnaire and organizer going to be available?

Hello Lacerte and fellow users,

We started requesting fillable pdf tax organizers many years ago.  At the last conference in 2022, the request was the number one request.  Please tell me that you have actually completed the software update and this option at the very least will be available for the tax questionnaire.  All we need is for the client to be able to check the box yes or no.    I am not sure about anyone else, I am having difficulty getting clients in their 30's or younger -  they don't use anything but electronics.  Smartvault has been great to get the source documents- however e- organizer is a nightmare.  They don't have printers so only fillable pdf work for them

Please help us tax accountants grow our business not shrink them. 

WE WANT Fillable PDF tax organizers- please let us know when you have them for 2022 tax year!!!!!






A better way to poke the bear is to vote for the original idea via the post with the most votes. https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/lacerte-tax-idea-exchange/pdf-version-of-organizer/idi-p/123...

Then, definitely don't hold your breath waiting for the idea to be accepted. 

This shouldn't be a big deal to implement, they could work with a company that already does fillable forms. That said, I doubt we'll see it this year.