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The following diagnostic is generating: Form 4868 can only be filed on or before the original due date... This diagnostic now applies to every client that we e-filed extensions. Instead of removing one-by-one, is there a way to globally fix this diagnostic from generating?
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What happens if you just ignore the diagnostic? Is it an e-file CRITICAL diagnostic?

What diagnostics will prevent a return from being e-filed?

E-file critical diagnostics and Fatal critical diagnostics will stop an e-file return from being e-filed. E-file critical diagnostics typically generate when Lacerte recognizes something that will cause an e-file reject. Make sure to resolve any e-file critical diagnostics and fatal critical diagnostics before continuing to e-file.  Additionally, some critical diagnostics that are not e-file critical diagnostics will stop the return from being e-filed.

Same \ following

This occur last year (2022 tax year). I thought I did it, but it seems like after April, for all returns on extension the "1" in the box for eFile Extension becomes a critical diaX warning

Have we heard from anyone from Lacerte yet?  It doesn't look like the extension goes with the return when it's e-filed, probably because it's already been sent, so I just took the "1" out of the box for Extension and the diagnostic is gone. I usually only e-file one return at a time so I'll just do that I guess.

It is a critical Diagnostic and will prevent the return from being e-filed.   Yes you can just delete the "1" and e-file with no problem but why is it causing this diagnostic in the first place?  The same thing was happening in the 2022 program also.

take out the 1 for the extension and it goes away