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The following diagnostic is generating: E-File of Form 1040-X for Tax Year 2022 is only allowed when 1) the original return for the Tax Year 2022 was e-filed and 2) no more than 3 Form 1040-X Amended Returns or Superseded Returns have been e-filed for Tax Year 2022. Diagnostic 55285 says that e-filing of the 1040X is only allowed when the original return was electronically filed. See Ref 55285.  What would be the consequence of e-filing the 1040X?  Since my client's return has a balance due, I'm going to e-file unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. I'll let the IRS sort it out. As of 6/26/23 their systems are being updated so they should be able to match the original with the amended prior to December 31, 2023.
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6/27/23 Update:  My amended return was e-filed and accepted. So perhaps this diagnostic needs to be updated.