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HELP! I'm about as sick as I can get. I have a 1065 general partnership that does not require a balance sheet. In spite of my efforts, the balance sheet is our of balance. The diagnostic says critical so I can't e-file by the 15th unless I can delete the diagnostic. I have answered and plugged in all that I can do to override the balance sheet being required. The viewed version is blank. Is there a solution? Or do I rekey this **bleep** thing into Drake Tax which is who I have left Lacerte for on 90% of my returns. Thank you. A 54 year experienced tax preparer who would love to quit. Denise Robertson

Did you start with a trial balance?

There is an option to prevent a balance sheet from being printed under 3 criteria - less than 250K revenue, etc.

It is in the Schedule L Miscellaneous tab. Did you choose that option?