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The following diagnostic is generating: Schedule G-1 is not completed for Form 5471 #1. This schedule is required if foreign corporation with category 1c, 3, 4, 5a, or 5c was a participant in any cost sharing arrangement during the tax year.

What about when there is no cost sharing agreement during the tax year.  I haven't marked any of these boxes and Lacerte is still giving me this diagnostic.  What do you do?

Having the same issue.  How do we defeat or turn off schedule G-1?  What is triggering this diagnostic?  Please & thank you!

OK, in the second field of input screen 48.170, "Provide brief description of the CSA," I typed "There is no foreign or domestic sales of intangibles."  This appears on Schedule G-1, Line 1 and eliminates the diagnostic.  It seems you could type any appropriate statement here and get the same result.  Not sure if this critical diagnostic prevents e-filing, but more comfortable with it gone.