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The following diagnostic is generating: e-file: Federal Form 1040-ES is not included ins this version of the program. ( ref # 0) When we can excpect program update regarding this matter.

"When we can excpect program update regarding this matter."

Excellent question but nobody here can answer it.  It's kinda like the Colonel's secret ingredients ------- Intuit considers it top secret.

Never mind.... guess this link is worthless after all...


That reference is handy but for estimates it just kinda leaves you hanging.  I gotta believe the IRS gives some kind of estimate on their side so that software companies can give some kind of estimate to their customers ------------ but what do I know, I'm just a coyote that has been hit in the head with a lot of anvils.

Oh... I didn't read all (any) of the info.

I'm nowhere close to filing a return, so I'm not too invested in the time line.  Yet...