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Indiana 529 credit

New Member

Indiana return is being rejected with code SOFFCRED-003-01 stating the credits on sch 6 are more than the state adjusted gross income tax on IT40 line 8. The program is adding the 529 credit to the total offset credits making it more than the income tax even though it is not refundable. The only way I can get this return to go through is to make the contributions zero. I'd like the contribution amounts to still be in there just not applied like our old tax program did. Anyone else know of this issue? 

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3 Comments 3
Level 15
Which program are you using ?
New Member

Pro Connect. Sorry, I know it had me put that in there somewhere but I don't see where it shows that now.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Sorry, I can't help with ProConnect.   I use ProSeries.

Maybe @George4Tacks  will see this and be able to help.  I believe he has experience with ProConnect.


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