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Tax plan name should be both taxpayers when MFJ

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Tax plan name should be both taxpayers when MFJ


I started my first plans today.  When I did the lacerte to ITA sync, it only pulls in the name of the primary taxpayer who is a MFJ.  I would have thought the import would have created the MFJ name.

IntuitJim: Intuit Tax Advisor creates the plan name from the CLIENT record in the cloud, not the taxpayers name in the tax return. The CLIENT record can include 1 or both names. The plan nname can be named or renamed to any title.  The Report includes the same client record name, but can be edited to include different names, including nicknames. 

If you prefer that ITA create the tax plan name and the Report title using the Taxpayer and Spouse (formal) names in the tax return, instead of the CLIENT record, Vote for this change. 

If you prefer that ITA create the tax plan name and the Report title using the Taxpayer and Spouse (formal) names in the tax return, instead of the CLIENT record, Vote for this change. 

Status: Open for Voting
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Status changed to: Open for Voting

If you prefer that ITA create the tax plan name and the Report title using the Taxpayer and Spouse (formal) names in the tax return, instead of the CLIENT record, Vote for this change. 

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