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Adjust State withholding in the W2 Box of the PSB

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Adjust State withholding in the W2 Box of the PSB


When you go to enter current year information for the wage projection, it doesn't allow you to enter state withholding (like the FIT and other W2 fields to adjust) but directs you to another section (which I had to call support to find out where it was).  This is not intuitive and even when I did find the right section it was frustrating because it is hard to get it in correctly as an "adjustment" rather than just entering the correct amount. Screenshot 2023-09-07 135142.png


Thank you for the thoughtful feedback and image (bonus points!), KK.  

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Status: Open for Voting
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Status changed to: Open for Voting

Thank you for the thoughtful feedback and image (bonus points!), KK.  

If you agree, vote for this idea! 

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