Greta's Posts

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Greta's Posts

Form 941 asks for payment for both halves of social security tax, but employee paid his half on Form 8919.
So ProSeries will not be able to fix this from their end? I am not sure how to locate the "update folder" you are referring to.
I have the same annoying problem, having to sign in twice ever since my most recent update a month ago. I didn't quite understand the answer "ProWin17>updates folder and remove all the files except de... See more...
I have the same annoying problem, having to sign in twice ever since my most recent update a month ago. I didn't quite understand the answer "ProWin17>updates folder and remove all the files except details.htm" -- can you amplify a bit?
The problem still exists. I'm just now trained to log in twice each morning to 2017 software. The fix is too scary to attempt at my end.
I tried yet again to check the box on Part IV of the VA information worksheet, but it didn't check the required box on OSC for a border state. Any suggestions?
I went to Part IV of the VA information worksheet, checked the box, but nothing happened. I'm ready to give up on it.