Level 2

I am a green card holder and have had my green card and social security number for 30 years. When I first received my social security card (when we moved to the US with my father's job), I received a card that said "not valid for employment". However, within three years we all had green cards and I have been working in the United States since the age of 16 (I am now 40). I do not understand why I was denied the stimulus check on the grounds that my social security number is "not valid for employment" while I have been working for the past 24 years and paying taxes. Would anyone have any ideas of how to remedy this situation and get my stimulus check? I have recently lost my teaching job due to COVID circumstances and need this money more than ever. 

Level 15
Level 15

"I do not understand why I was denied the stimulus check on the grounds that my social security number is "not valid for employment" while I have been working for the past 24 years and paying taxes. "

You got some kind of correspondence that said you were not eligible due to your SSN?

0 Cheers
Level 2

Yes, I finally go through to someone on the IRS stimulus check phone number and that is what they said. I also called the tax payer advocate line and they came up with the same information 

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

A quick google search says that is correct...

So, who is eligible for the CARES Act payment?

The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) states that qualified individuals must meet the following requirements:

1. Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien;*
2. Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return;
3. Have a Social Security number (SSN) that is “valid for employment;” and
4. Have an adjusted gross income below a required amount based on your tax filing status and number of qualified children.

No idea why it was written that way, but it doesnt appear that you can do much about it. 

This stimulus payment is an advance on a 2020 credit, so people that dont get it now would still be able to get it on their 2020 tax return, but if theyve flagged your SSN as ineligible, that probably wont happen either

Level 2

Thanks so much for you help, that actually clarifies it. So is there absolutely now way of getting it now? I don't know why I have been eligible for employment all of these years because of my green card and yet because of this kink in the system do not qualify now. Do you reckon if I have that changed on my social security card now it will register this year? 

Level 15


You are asking people on the internet that know nothing more than you can find out if you use the IRS resources. For Social Security Number issues, you would use the Social Security web resources.

The only thing we know, that you can also find out, is that this is an Advance on a 2020 income tax year event that would be filed when you work on your 2020 1040 form. If you don't qualify for the advance, I recommend you wait for the Tax Year and file the forms and that is when you will learn further as to how they put the legal code into regulations for the tax year.

No one here works for the IRS and no one here can tell you more than this. Sorry you find yourself in this situation, of course.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

What's missing from your story is how you went back to Social Security, after receiving your green card, to apply for a new Social Security card (same number) that showed you are eligible to work.  Social Security has a "Numident" system (sounds like toothpaste) that keeps track of such things.

It's quite possible that you have been able to work in the U.S. for all these years without Social Security updating your employment eligibility because most employers didn't (and still don't) care about such niceties.  But thank the EIP program for bringing the problem to your attention.  As pointed out elsewhere, you're eligible for a credit on your 2020 income tax return, if you meet the other requirements.  

Level 1

I am in the same situation. Took me weeks of calling IRS to finally able to talk to an agent today. She said a lot of people are in the same boat. I've been working for over 30 years. Paying my tax & fill tax return. Did not realize my Social Security is coded "not valid for employment".  Called the SSA office. The lady in the Social Security office told me to file a SS-5 form. But since their office is close, I have to mail my passport in to prove that I am an US citizen. She said it will take 7 to 9 weeks to make the change. Hopefully then it will update the IRS system.

P.S. I am glad  there are people like Ms. Perez and that IRS lady (no name, just ID #) working in our government. At least now I can try to fix it...

Level 1

Thanks for the feedback and yes I ended up with the same results. My fear about doing it that way is that while you can send your passport certified mail to them, they will not send it back to you certified mail. I am very reluctant to take that risk! 

0 Cheers
Level 15

@Sashajh1   "My fear about doing it that way is that while you can send your passport certified mail to them, they will not send it back to you certified mail."

Certified mail gets the same handling as regular first-class mail, so it is just as likely to get lost.  That's very unlikely, but paying more for certified just makes it easier to figure out where it was lost.  Passports go back and forth in the mail all the time, from people who need visas to consulates that issue them, but you can make your own decision on whether the delay of the EIP is more of a problem than the possible loss of a passport that may expire before the next time you need it.  (I wonder if Social Security will accept an expired passport?)

Level 1

we fall under the same category. I have been a US citizen since i was 13 years of age. I have been working since i turned 16 yrs of age. I am 32 years old now. Paid taxes all my life. Have no idea why they would do such a thing. Yes, my ss card says the exact same thing because i was under age when i received it, but i was able to work and pay taxes all these years. Regardless, my husband and my kids should be entitled to the stimulus but they are denying it because we file as married. That is such BS. In the mean time, no letter of explanation, just verbally.  

Level 15


You seem to be lost on the internet.

You’ve come to a Peer User community for Intuit Tax Preparation products supporting tax preparation professionals, and you may be looking for support as an individual taxpayer. Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 1

@jonathanc we are in the same boat. My husband is a permanent resident and I just found out from the IRS today that his SSN was the issue. We were both floored. And to make matters worse, I and our kids are ineligible for our portion of the payment because my husband and I file jointly. The IRS guy did say we can get the check next year if we clear up this stupid SSN issue. Did the SS lady say you should be applying for a brand-new social security number? Or are you just making a correction?

Level 15


You seem to be lost on the internet.

You’ve come to a Peer User community for Intuit Tax Preparation products supporting tax preparation professionals, and you may be looking for support as an individual taxpayer. Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.



Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 1

It doesn't matter if you update the SS, The IRS will continue to deny you the stimulus check at this time, giving you as the only solution use you stimulus check as credit on 2021 tax

Do you know if this will give you the same SS number but just not say that it is not eligible for employment?   I just got off the phone with the IRS after months of trying to find out the problem. They said the same thing about an invalid SS number.  I never even know his SS card said not eligible- he must have never been told to go and get a new one once his green card came through 30 years ago!  I do worry about going to SS now to update it, will this have any affect on his SS earnings and benefits?

That's more of a worry than getting a stimulus check.

0 Cheers
Level 15

You need to contact SS to get answers about SS:


This is a Professional Tax Preparers community using specific Intuit tax programs. You are in the wrong place on the internet for this type of help.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 1

I am in the same situation. You have to fill out Form SS-5 found on SSA's websit and mail it into social security so that they can  update your card for work purposes. At this point,  we won't receive the stimulus check which was issued starting in April 2020. But we can apply for a recovery rebate credit when we file our in 2021 to get the money.

Level 1

In the same boat. IRS told me the same thing- ss not valid for employment.  Checked the law to see what it says and it states that  an eligible individual must include a ‘valid identification number (numbers for jont return’ .  A valid number means ‘a social security number’. There is no requirement in the law that the ss number be ‘valid for employment’.  This is a fabrication of the Dept of Treasury in an attempt to make sure illegal immigrants cannot get money. I understand that the gov does not want this, but  I cannot believe their are many ineligible individuals who have ss numbers.  Most n this category  file taxes with ITIN. I have filed taxes 25 years with ss number. That to me make it valid.

View solution in original post

Level 15


I'm sorry to inform you that you are lost on the internet. The people in This Community are professional tax preparers. No one here  can help or respond to the issue. They are just trying to do their job, which is to prepare US income tax returns for their clients. The pandemic issue as relates to Individuals is not something that can be addressed here.

It's like you walked into a Country-Western bar in Texas to complain about the NY ballet. This is not the place for your issue. No one here works for SS, IRS, Treasury, or "the gov."

If it helps, you can go to a DIY community here:

Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.



Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers

In the same boat.  But it is even weirder.  My Social Security Card does not say "Ineligible for employment".  But the IRS says that my SSN  is "Ineligible for employment".  So it must be something internal to the SSA.  I got my Social Security Card about 30 years ago. Never had an issue until now.

Anyway, this means no Stimulus Check until 2021.  And have to fix the issue in the meantime.

0 Cheers
Level 15


Are you aware that this Community is for professional income tax preparers specifically using Intuit's programs? You are lost on the internet.

If you search the web, the IRS has been posting info since April and continues to update it.

Go to the Right Place on the internet; not to some community of program users that has nothing to do with your issue.

Go Here:


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

Apologies for inconveniencing , but I’m glad my post was able to help others in the same boat. There was such limited information in the internet and even when I phoned the IRS on both occasions the people I spoke to were clueless. 

Level 15


"Apologies for inconveniencing"

What you are all doing is Not Getting real help. You are simply posting a complaint to a community that has nothing to do with this issue. This community is hosted by Intuit to help the people using Lacerte and ProSeries Tax Preparation programs. It's not a general public bulletin board.

If you want Real Help, you would go to the Real Place that helps exists.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers

Did not know that.  You are right. Sorry for the confusion.

0 Cheers
Level 2
I’m trying to delete my original post. 
Level 15

You can Flag your own topic for deletion; three dots, top Right corner.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

Hey, IRS systems analyst here. I actually wound up in this forum while doing a little research on an issue I'm trying to feed up the chain of command for resolution. I've only decided to comment here because your smug smarminess has rubbed me the wrong way. I understand that this is not the proper arena to get answers for this particular issue, but you are also sending people off on a wild goose chase. The problem here is not that these people do not understand the eligibility requirements for receiving the EIP, but that our integrated data retrieval system has incorrectly coded a large number of green card holders as having Social Security Numbers that are only valid for non-work purposes. This is not an issue that the Social Security Administration has created, nor are they in a position to resolve it. Telling people to call SSA or the IRS for an issue that cannot be resolved at this time is not only a waste of their time, but is increasing hold times across the board for both agencies. Directing people to a generic page on the IRS website for a problem that hasn't been addressed yet is similarly wasteful.

By all means, if you don't want  people talking about things that don't belong in the forum, then continue to correct them. But please stay in your lane and continue preparing tax returns instead of spreading misinformation and contributing to the confusion.

Level 15

There is no Smug Smarminess. There is, however, sympathy for the taxpaying (and nontaxpaying) citizens (and noncitizen residents) that suffer through the confusion from the leaders and law makers and those trying to execute what was put in place with incompleteness from the beginning, in March, to now. Also, sympathy that Intuit, the host of this community, has created subtopic sections for their Volunteer Peer Community for the users of their programs, expecting their End Users, the Customers that pay for the programs as part of a profession that has deadlines, to expect us also to be helping the people that are lost and looking for answers that only You and your co-workers might be able to help with.

I am the one that keeps trying to redirect people to better sources, and for the tax preparer professionals here, I keep encouraging them to subscribe to the governmental e-newsletters, as you can read in this topic I updated earlier today:


You might want to demean someone who truly cares and has been trying to provide real resources through all the chaos, but that doesn't replace our own self-worth, that we do lots of things without concern for how our own free time and our professional time are being consumed trying to help people stop panicking, don't make it worse, and use the IRS resources when the issue is an IRS issue.


So, if you want to Help here, that's fine. If you want to belittle the volunteers, please go elsewhere.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 2

You have people who are not tax professionals who wound up here because they are grasping for straws after not being able to get a resolution from the IRS or SSA. I understand that you are trying to redirect people, but you're redirecting them to a resource where they will not be able to receive assistance that will lead to a resolution, and to me, it reads like you're talking down to people while doing so. 

I'm sure you do volunteer on these forums, and maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to take your words for being demeaning. That said, I literally just said that I was coming here to try to do some research about an issue so I could feed it up. I'm a hands on, front line employee and I noticed an issue that I have yet to see an official answer for. So I've got zero information for anyone beyond "this actually shouldn't be happening, but is happening and there's no official fix yet". Whether they're aware of the scope of the issue or are working on anything or not is well above my pay grade, but again, there's not an official answer or procedure specifically addressing it. Which is why I was gathering information on my own time to prepare a report for my supervisor. 

I don't speak I'm any kind of official capacity. I'm a taxpayer as well, and am impacted by all these issues as well, and I happen to also work for the IRS. What I probably could have said is "hey, IRS resources won't help you either, sit tight, hopefully we're working on a resolution". But a couple of your posts read like you were a jerk, so I responded like you were a jerk and I'm sorry if you're not. We as employees are as restricted by the systems as anyone else and it's incredibly frustrating to encounter an unresolved problem and feel like you're the only one who cares if it's fixed.

Level 15

"What I probably could have said is "hey, IRS resources won't help you either, sit tight, hopefully we're working on a resolution". "


It's easy to do a drive-by of this community, a critical analysis of what you think you see. Try going to the Top Level of this subforum, and read the topics from the beginning, in March, when the chaos started. Now come back and answer questions every day while you are also here doing your own job and you start to see the magnitude of the dilemma.

All we can do is keep giving the links to updated info provided by the IRS for IRS issues; by the SSA for their issues, etc. And keep in mind that we are doing so from an Intuit Peer Community meant for preparing customer taxes. Not for general public accounting guidance or taxpayer advice.

After all, the IRS gets our tax money to help fund their customer support center(s). That doesn't seem to be working out, though, so why would Intuit's Customers that volunteer here, be responsible for taking up the slack? We Tried. We can't do more than ask them to calm down and follow the only guidance available to all of us.

"We as employees are as restricted by the systems as anyone else and it's incredibly frustrating to encounter an unresolved problem and feel like you're the only one who cares if it's fixed."


Now turn that into: Gee, you paid How Much for the tax preparation programs that are not updated timely, not running on your computer, don't seem to calculate the simple lines that you can compute in your head, won't let you file without throwing a diagnostic that can, in fact, be ignored? Because unlike you, no one is Paying for the time the Volunteers spend trying to be helpful here. We don't work for Intuit unless you see "Intuit" as part of the username.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers

Thanks Flamingo340.  I am one of those non-tax professionals who ended up here by mistake. As you noted, I was grasping for straws and did not notice that this forum was for tax preparers. 

qbeachmt, sorry for accidentally intruding on your forum. 

Level 15


I feel like I should state: "Thank you for your service." Based on everything that's been happening, working for the IRS is probably like working in a war zone.

I think Intuit meant a "covid" related topic section to help the tax preparers impacted by the CARES act, the business loans and grants programs available to our own clients and how we would need to track and report them, the shifting deadlines, etc. Unfortunately, nothing here is "general public reference" and we only know the same thing that you see elsewhere on the web.

I keep telling folks to sign up for governmental e-newsletters. Even regular folks, non-tax preparers, can get the updates directly to your inbox.

Government e-newsletter signup

Such as:


For a bunch of portals. You are likely going to want IRS, Payroll, SBA, DOL. Here is a list from that link I provided: You get to checkmark what you want to get for notices.


Subscription Topics


All pages in: News Releases, Tax Law Updates, & General Tax Information

 IRS Tax Tips

             IRS Newswire


             Noticias del IRS en español

             Alerts from Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)

             Tax Statistics

   All pages in: Tax Professionals, IRS Partners & Software Developers

             e-News for Tax Professionals

             IRS Outreach Connection

             IVES Program e-News and Updates


               All pages in: Quick Alerts

             Quick Alerts

             Quick Alerts - General Notifications

             Quick Alerts - IRS e-file Service Center Messages

             Quick Alerts - Technical

             Quick Alerts - Affordable Care Act Information Return (AIR)

     All pages in: Payroll Professionals

             e-News for Payroll Professionals

     All pages in: e-News Businesses

             Country-by-Country Reporting News & Information

             e-News for Small Business

             e-File News for Large Businesses

             Qualified Intermediaries

             FATCA News & Information

             Central Withholding Agreement News & Information

             e-News for Withholding Agents

     All pages in: Employee Plans

             Employee Plans

     All pages in: Tax Exempt & Government Entities

             Indian Tribal Governments News

             Tax Exempt Bond Community Update

             Exempt Organization Update

             Federal State & Local Governments (FSLG)

   All pages in: Social Media


   All pages in: YouTube

             IRS Videos

             IRS Videos in American Sign Language (ASL)

             IRS Video Multilingual

             Taxpayer Advocate Service

   All pages in: Twitter

             IRS News

             Tax Professionals

             IRS en Espanol

             IRS Recruitment

             Taxpayer Advocate

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers

One last post.  Flamingo340 if you are still researching this issue, you might want to check out this thread


Level 2

I am in the same boat and I am incredibly frustrated. We have paid our taxes faithfully for the last 20 years and because of my SS card delegation, we are denied any and all stimulus money: PERIOD and final is what they told me. It’s just plain wrong!

Level 15

"It’s just plain wrong!"

You seem to be lost on the internet.

You’ve come to a Peer User community for Intuit Tax Preparation products supporting tax preparation professionals, and you may be looking for support as an individual taxpayer. Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.



Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 2

Yes, I am aware. However, a quick google of my situation brought me here, where many others are in the same situation looking for answers amongst ourselves. No need to respond! I’m not looking for answers from Inuit! Thanks! 🙄

0 Cheers
Level 2

Hear, hear! I have spent hours upon hours trying to figure out my SS issue! I have been on hold for hours on both the IRS and SS lines. It’s like neither one have a flippin’ clue! I’m not here to bother inuit support. I just happened to google this issue and it brought me here. Since I file with Intuit:TurboTax  (personally, every year and have been for nearly 20 years), I just logged in and responded. 

Level 15

"Since I file with Inuit (personally) ever year (and have been for nearly 20 years), I just logged in and responded."

You likely file with Turbo Tax. That is Not This Place on the web. You want to go to this link, instead:

Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.

You also need to play safely on the interwebs. Making usernames and/or posting on other community forums or peer user support forums when this is Not your program, is not the best idea. As it is, plenty of attempts by scammers happen on this community forum. Stop subjecting yourself to that sort of risk. And whining to people that would be paid to Help their own Clients is not going to help the program users here that simply want to do their jobs.

This is not Intuit Support, not Intuit Customer Service, not Intuit Technical Support, not the US Treasury Department,not Social Security and not the IRS. All you are doing is whining to the Public, but through a community of peer users trying to do their own jobs. That is hard enough for the professional tax preparers right now, given all the regulation changes and temporary provisions.

It would be nice not to keep haranguing people on the web that have nothing to do with what you are whining about. And, you have been given the right links, in response. So, it is time to go to the other links, to get the help you seek.


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

Dude! Breathe and take a chill pill! Your  mean spirited attitude is about an inch away from me not wanting to use any intuit product ever again. As I said, I did a google search and it accidentally took me here where there are many discussing the same topic (the title did not mention ANYTHING about tax preparer crap). I had no idea that I was stepping into your playground! Take the dang chip off your shoulder and recognize we are just people looking to find some kind of answer to a serious problem that is unique only to us! I’m sorry I made that mistake: however, you don’t have to be a complete jerk about it. Instead, ignore my comment and just focus on your actual job! Take care! I will no longer be infiltrating the Intuit proconnect board! 

Level 15

"we are just people looking to find some kind of answer to a serious problem that is unique only to us"


Which is why the Real Help can be found at these other links:

When you get lost and someone offers to redirect you and help you succeed, it doesn't really make sense to burn them on your way out.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

In an effort to post something helpful as i thought forums had as an overriding goal, I’m so sorry you’re going through what I’m going through but this might help: I was told to apply for a new social security card ASAP and then we will get the stimulus check on our 2020 tax return

Level 2

Unfortunately, you have surmised that I haven’t already gone down those avenues! I have and to no avail, thus my reasons for searching the net to see if others have had better luck! Good luck with that attitude! It will not take you very far, or at least very high up in your endeavors!

Level 2

THANK you Sashajh for this most useful info! Much appreciated. Initially they told me there was nothing I could do! I appreciate you sharing this! Hopefully the intuit volunteer will just ignore this and not waste his time responding! There is zero need to respond to these with sarcasm and chaste!

Sashajh pretty much summed it up correctly.  You also might want to read through the reddit thread below.  There are many of us in the same or similar predicament. No need to sign in:

Level 2

Post removed for violating Intuit's Terms of Use

Level 1

I know this is the wrong forum. But I thought I should update everyone. My Wife & I did mail in an SS5 form along with our passport to the SSA office back in July. It took 5+ weeks. But we eventually got a new Social Security card. It does not say "not valid for employment". It has the same Social Security number (as expected). As for the stimulus check, we are hoping we can claim it on the 2020 tax return. My "Get My Payment" status on the IRS site remains unchanged: Payment Status not Available. So the IRS database used for the stimulus check must not be getting update from the SSA then...

Level 1

I’m also in the same situation and I’m on DACA. What they told me is to call the Social security office to get my social security adjusted. However we’ll receive our stimulus with our refund when we claim it on our taxes next year. 

Level 1

I am so afraid that I will loss my passport in the mail, if I mail the document out.


0 Cheers
Level 15

My mind is open enough that I don't mind learning things occasionally from people who are lost on the Internet.  The problem is that your mind is closed to the specific provision of the CARES Act, that does require an SSN valid for employment.  So complain to your Congressman.  Don't have a Congressman because you're not a citizen?  Try it, you might like it.  You have to learn a few things first about how the government works, though.  

0 Cheers