Level 15

There is no Smug Smarminess. There is, however, sympathy for the taxpaying (and nontaxpaying) citizens (and noncitizen residents) that suffer through the confusion from the leaders and law makers and those trying to execute what was put in place with incompleteness from the beginning, in March, to now. Also, sympathy that Intuit, the host of this community, has created subtopic sections for their Volunteer Peer Community for the users of their programs, expecting their End Users, the Customers that pay for the programs as part of a profession that has deadlines, to expect us also to be helping the people that are lost and looking for answers that only You and your co-workers might be able to help with.

I am the one that keeps trying to redirect people to better sources, and for the tax preparer professionals here, I keep encouraging them to subscribe to the governmental e-newsletters, as you can read in this topic I updated earlier today:



You might want to demean someone who truly cares and has been trying to provide real resources through all the chaos, but that doesn't replace our own self-worth, that we do lots of things without concern for how our own free time and our professional time are being consumed trying to help people stop panicking, don't make it worse, and use the IRS resources when the issue is an IRS issue.


So, if you want to Help here, that's fine. If you want to belittle the volunteers, please go elsewhere.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers