Level 2

Seeing that they have passed the Recovery Act and are allowing the first $10,200 of unemployment to be non taxable, can Proseries print a list of Clients that already been filed that have a 1099-G

Level 15
Level 15

As of right now, no, there is no option.  Hopefully they will get a query set up for us to use for this.

Level 15

"Seeing that they have passed the Recovery Act"

Where did you see this fact?

Who is "they?"


"Updated 4:16 p.m. ET, March 6, 2021

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House will vote Monday night on the rule laying out terms for the bill’s consideration, and the House will vote on Tuesday on the Senate-passed version of the bill.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he has "no doubt” Biden will sign the American Rescue Plan before the March 14 deadline."

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

Please do not take this the wrong way  , it is just my opinion ... You should already have a list of all the tax returns that you have completed up to this date... And I would assume you have a pretty good idea of those returns that had unemployment benefits... If you're not sure of a certain client just open up the file and look... Just my opinion

Level 15

I don't think you will need a list.  The phone calls should start pouring in Monday morning with clients wanting to file amended returns.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15


"GY" may be running an office with ten preparers who are working on 2,500 returns.  

A Search function would be great, but what do you expect?  This is Intuit.  And I understand there are many unemployed students under age 23 who can be hired to look at Schedule 1, Line 7, and indicate "Yes" or "No."  Shouldn't take too long.  

Level 15

Yeah it will be like a plague of locust....🐝🐝🐝🦟🦟🦟

Level 15
Level 15

The 1040X wont be ready to file with until the end of March, so theres plenty of time for them to come up with a Query for this.

Level 15

It may take long for some of those rocket scientists... They are not the grandchildren of Nikola Tesla or Albert Einstein.. God forgive me.

Level 15

They need to extend tax season again, like they did last year... Too much going on this year, and tax preparers have been stuck into the meat grinder ... Just my opinion

Level 15

I believe they have officially named the unemployment income exclusion portion of the bill as the Tax Preparer Stimulus Act because of all of the amended returns that are going to be created by passing a tax bill 2 months after the end of the year to which it applies.  Maybe someone should buy those bozos a %%##^&*$#@@@## calendar.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Will they get paid more than they make on unemployment? Might not be able to get takers for the job.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15


Don't be silly.  They're doing it under the table.  

Level 15

Sorry. I was being silly.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 8

The unemployment phone calls can get added to all the phone calls we're getting asking why they haven't gotten the refund from them filing 3 weeks ago yet. My poor receptionist better not quit. lol.

A query option would be great though. I just don't know when I would be looking for all the ones that need to be amended. Maybe at 9pm with a bottle of wine? Bad enough I'm in the office at 6:30 am on Sunday already cranking out returns.

Level 15

That is why they need to extend tax season... Too much going on this year.

Level 8

It is going to start getting messy next week. There is no way they can do that without extending the tax season. The question is: when ps will have the update to exempt the first 10200 unemployment or we will have to do it manually. What will you do with the new customers who have unemployment? Challenging situation. 


Level 7

I'm a one man shop--at the top of 'client status' form i type in home base i can see all tax returns with 'unemp' --just a suggestion for all of your new clients

Level 8

Excellent idea. Let me see if I can figure out how to do that. 

Level 15

Probably a good idea to wait for ProSeries to update it for this ...Also in the past it was a good idea to let the original return work itself through the system before filing corrected return... just my opinion

Level 8

Good advice. Although I have some clients that they just do not want to pay due to the unemployment and they are already calling about this law. It looks they heard on tv and as far as I know it is expected to become law tomorrow or Tuesday. And also I would like to know about if we should charge customers for the amended that nobody is to blame for. I usually do not charge when I do an amendment but some tax preparers are (no in this platform) 

Level 15

Everybody, including preparers need to have a little patience.  First, it isn’t law yet since the Pres doesn’t have his John Hancock on it yet.  Secondly, are you going to prepare a second amended return after your state may follow the lead of the federal exemption?  Not to mention, who knows how long before we have software capable of preparing those amended returns.

For me, I’m just going to stand in the corner of my office wearing my ruby red slippers, clicking my heels three times saying there’s no place like home.  As a tax preparer I can officially announce that this year sucks.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

it is not our fault that we have to file corrected returns for this unemployment matter... So why should we have to do the work for no fee?... I think most responsible people, IE clients, will understand this. And for those who do not understand this then they are free to go somewhere else. I.E. 🌳 just my opinion...

Level 2

That's exactly what I did, but for the price of Proseries I would think they would have this ability.  There have been several times that I want a list of Clients that have certain forms attached.  I shouldn't have to do this manually

Level 13

@PATAX wrote:

it is not our fault that we have to file corrected returns for this unemployment matter... So why should we have to do the work for no fee?... I think most responsible people, IE clients, will understand this. And for those who do not understand this then they are free to go somewhere else. I.E. 🌳 just my opinion...

And mine.  I'm putting a reminder on my calendar to add a paragraph to my engagement letter next year that clarifies what happens when Congress retroactively changes tax laws.  1) It's not my fault so expect to pay me full price for it and 2) Don't expect me to do anything until after the regular filing deadline.

It's probably also worth noting that when laws are passed in December or January that returns containing those items may need to be delayed due to software programming issues.  <sigh>  When I started this business my engagement letter fit on one page.  I'm squeezed into two pages this year but next year it looks like it will be at least three (or have a font size so small that nobody can read it--wait, nobody reads it anyway!)

Retroactive legislation used to be a "once in a blue moon" sorta thing, now it's become the norm.


Level 15

You have to cut Congress some slack.  Last year was an election year, they were too busy fund-raising and campaigning to think about the tax consequences of paying a lot of people a lot of taxable unemployment.  Retroactive is sometimes better than nothing.

So what's a reaonable fee these days, for an amended return?  I'm thinking it should be called a commission. Realtors make big money just by collecting a percentage.  But a percentage of the refund from the amended return doesn't seem like much.  How about a percentage of EIP#3?  

"Dear Client:  Congress recently qualified you for a refund of the tax you paid on your unemployment.  To defray the cost of claiming it, they are also sending you $2,800.  When the funds arrive, bring us 5% and we will assist with IRS compliance."  (Choose your own percentage.)

There is going to be a shortage of Easter eggs in my neighborhood this year because they had a fire at the chicken ranch and 165,000 hens were killed.  I mention this as a reminder that we should not count our chickens before they hatch.  The Senate is mostly a collection of old men that you wouldn't normally expect to find outside a nursing home.  Keep them up all night, and expect someone to have a heart attack.  That bill they just passed has to go back to the House, where the octogenarian leader may not be able to get it past the insurgents half her age.  So it would have to go to a conference committee, and then voted on again.  And by then, who knows how many Senators each party will be able to muster?  

Level 2

Too funny. I was just joking with my staff that they passed the No Accountant Left Behind Act of 2021. I took a day off yesterday and ended up working a half day anyway...8 hours instead of the usual 16. Good luck all!!

0 Cheers
Level 2

I'm really, really, REALLY, hoping that PS makes this particular amendment a simple process. Like, open the return, check the amended box, save. Then, click on a check box to exclude and recalculate the previously taxed UI benefits in the return....SEND and NEXT. Are you listening Intuit?

Okay, back to reality because programmers are not accountants...We will have to save the original return, rename the file, then delete the 1099-G...Save again, then add back the 1099-G, print, sign and file by mail. Don't be shocked if this is the's what they do. Just sayin' God help us all!

0 Cheers
Level 2

The unofficial senate majority leader, Joe Manchin, now has more power than the POTUS. The dems back doored him on this one. Hopefully, he'll stop being a dick and remember he's a democrat representing democrats that are trapped in republican bodies controlled by FOX.

Level 15

Look at the bright side.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans who don't trust the mainstream media to tell them their political leaders are corrupt liars, now are willing to believe that help is on the way without having seen the law itself.  Now if their knowledge of democracy improves somewhat, they will understand that the bill must go through at least one more vote and be signed, before it is law.  

Level 15
Level 15
it will be the same as any amendment, check the amended box, go in and make the adjustment for UI, they will need to put some kind of action in place to disallow this adjustment for those with incomes over the limit.

Level 15

Those who want to make it simple must not have any clients whose income, credits and deductions involve several moving parts.  Does lower AGI increase EIC and CTC?  Does one spouse have UI while the other has partially-taxable Social Security?  

Maybe these maneuvers can be resolved with software using Artificial Intelligence.  I hear they are working on airplanes that fly themselves.  Maybe some day we can be just like them.  They're called drones.  

Level 7

like I said somewhere else, AGI can affect repayment of the premium tax credit-will need to see what is in the bill before IRS, proseries, or preparers can do anything except tell clients to wait.  Everybody just slow down and get it right the first time, unless you like filing amended returns and increasing your workload by 33%.  In Maryland our issue appears to be that unemployment (under certain AGI limits) will not be taxable at all let alone $10,200 --is that (10,200) for a taxpayer? (20,400) for a couple, oh hey what about a dependent student--it can't and won't be easy for the programmers or us!  I am making my vacation plans for December since it will probably take that long to sort out.

Level 4

No need for intuit to do anything.

Go to HomeBase double click on columns at the top.

Will bring up Add/Edit custom views.

Add custom view called unemployment

search for "other income""

click box Other income from Schedule 1


0 Cheers
Level 5

No, I don't want an extended deadline.  That was horrible.  We can file an actual extension if needed. 

Level 1

No need for 1040X IRS is resolving the $10,200 exemption on their end. 

0 Cheers