I have been using your Intuit EasyACCT Professional Series, Batch Payroll program for about 12 years now and love it. But there are a few ideas of improvement for payroll processing, daily use, and audit information that I would like to suggest.
In the Employee Information Update section, it would be nice to be able to input:
a second phone number
an email address
a REHIRE date.
a way to keep track of the last 2 or 3 years of raises and amounts.
an emergency contact (name, number, and relationship)
a PSD Code (local code for Ohio and Pennsylvania)
to have more than 10 GP & WH slots, best for restaurants and companies with multiple job descriptions or deductions (Insurance, AFLAC (pre & post tax), Wage attachment, Child support, unemployment, local taxes, etc.)
A way to have automatic deductions restart each year with balances reset (IRAs with max deductions, health insurances, local taxes)
Printing Reports
To be able to choose PAY DATES as well as month and year for the Payroll Journal rpt and Earnings rpt. (This would particularly be great for audits).
To be able to choose REHIRE date under New Hire Listing rpt
To be able to see the PSD Code (if added) in report as well.