I have been using your Intuit EasyACCT Professional Series, Batch Payroll program for about 12 years now and love it.  But there are a few ideas of improvement for payroll processing, daily use, and audit information that I would like to suggest.
  • In the Employee Information Update section, it would be nice to be able to input:
    • a second phone number
    • an email address
    • a REHIRE date.
    • a way to keep track of the last 2 or 3 years of raises and amounts.
    • an emergency contact (name, number, and relationship)
    • a PSD Code (local code for Ohio and Pennsylvania)
    • to have more than 10 GP & WH slots, best for restaurants and companies with multiple job descriptions or deductions (Insurance, AFLAC (pre & post tax), Wage attachment, Child support, unemployment, local taxes, etc.)
    • A way to have automatic deductions restart each year with balances reset (IRAs with max deductions, health insurances, local taxes)
  • Printing Reports
    • To be able to choose PAY DATES as well as month and year for the Payroll Journal rpt and Earnings rpt. (This would particularly be great for audits).
    • To be able to choose REHIRE date under New Hire Listing rpt
      • To be able to see the PSD Code (if added) in report as well.
    • The option to email W2s to employees.
Status: New
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