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Tips paid out in check

Level 3

I have a client who's employees get tips, but are paid those tips ON their check, so should be included in their NET pay.  How do I do this in EasyACCT? 

All other clients pay the tips out at the end of each day so the are noted as income, but come back out as a deduction and not paid out on their check.

TIA - any advice is helpful!

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3 Comments 3
Level 5

Give them a GP category called "Tips Check" and assign W2 box code 'BTP'.  Then make sure The W2 Boxes 1 and 7 are checked (DO NOT CHECK BOX 3) - along with whatever appropriate other codes you need for federal & state taxes.

Level 3

Thank you - that was it!  I knew it was rather simple, but the Mondayness got to me.  Thanks again!

0 Cheers
Level 5

You're most welcome.  Good luck with the "Mondays" LOL!

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