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2020.2.01 Update for EasyACCT and Info Return System is now live


Please update from within the programs by clicking on System > Update via the internet 

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14 Comments 14
Level 2

I'm still getting a message that I have the latest version?  What's up?

Level 2

I tried to update Information Return System (IRS), but got the following error message:  

The installation program requires Administrative Privileges. 

Please restart your computer and log on as an Administrator or contact your system administrator.

Could you provide the step by step instructions on how I would log on as an Administrator.

Thank you

Level 1

The update STILL does NOT fix the printing error when printing the W-3 (laser generated).  I am still getting a "G" in the spots where the prompt arrows are supposed to go (i.e., next to "Signature", "Title", and "Date".  Any idea when THIS is going to get fixed????

Level 3

Still get the error every time that says the system needs to restart.  I should not have to delete things out of my registry EVERY TIME there is an update.  This whole past year has just been an absolute nightmare.

Level 3

Right click it and choose run as administrator.

@LA3 Can you verify that you have the latest install? From within the program Help > About EasyACCT > Click on System Info. What is the version showing on the top line?

@Diamondmint This was reported but I see that it is still not fixed. I will look into this and post an update here when I get one from our development team. 

Level 3

And even after deleting the file out of my registry and getting the update to work it STILL doesn't print the 1099-NECs correctly.  Guess plain paper it is since there is no possible way we can wait any longer to get these out.


Good Afternoon Blondie840, 

This should be reported to your local IT. The pendingfilerenameoperations registry key shows up after any program on your machine completes an update or installation and EasyACCT is not able to continue with its install until its cleared. The key should automatically delete every time you reboot your machine. If you're having to go manually delete this key every time, this is likely not happening and should be addressed by your local IT or computer professional. 

Thank you for your post in the Accountants Community!

Level 3

It's EasyAcct and the Information return system.  I tell it to update and it starts, then it tells me I need administration privilege.  When I run as administer then it says there is a pending update that doesn't clear from the registry.  I'm not the only one experiencing this issue as others have complained about the same issue and we've confirmed that it is only happening with these particular updates.

Level 2

Thank You.  

Level 2

I am using the Information Return System in the "cloud" (Right Network Host).  I am getting that  error when trying to update, that "my installation requires Adminstrative Privileges" (paraphrased--exit, restart, log in as an Administrator or contact system administrator).   In the cloud, I cannot "right click" and enter as administrator, but I am administrator of my "host network".     How do I get updated program in the cloud??

Level 2

I did the UPdate for the Info Return System and I no longer see any of my "Processed Files" and when I try to create the Transmission File for Electronic Filing, the whole program closes out.

Level 1

My computer just died and I don’t have my charger but it was version 2019.3.1 I believe.  When I go to update via the internet it says I have the latest version.