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Navigation updates - Notification Icon missing on mobile

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Navigation updates - Notification Icon missing on mobile


@IntuitBettyJoThe change was definitely noticed but not because it made the site more user-friendly.  It is good that the new branding should now clearly differentiate Lacerte, ProSeries, and ProConnect (Tax Online).

In fact, the site is near impossible to use on a mobile device, at least to frequent contributors who depend on the notification icon which has gone missing along with the icon for PM.  Switching to desktop mode does not bring back either.  The hardwork of the development team certainly did not go unnoticed /s.

Could you please work with the development team to fix this as we don't have constant access to our computers (unless, of course, Intuit's idea is to help us achieve a better work-life balance by participating only during office hours)?


This is currently being worked on by our development team.  Thank you for reporting. 

Status: Accepted
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 15

I 100% agree with you Jensen.

Again, I wonder who thinks up the g'd*mn "improvements?  Obviously not folks that use the forum daily.

Somehow the concept of change just for the sake of change is the overriding philosophy for running this place.

Level 15

And the floating "See how your firm can prepare for COVID-19" banner is irritating.  Not sure why the PTB think 'that' needs to be in our face, constantly.

Level 15

Agree with you on both points, Anna!

Level 15

@abctax55  "Somehow the concept of change just for the sake of change is the overriding philosophy for running this place."

Not just here, but many places. If it ain't broke, let's try to fix it so it will be.  The problem is that all these techies are hired and once they do their job, there is no place for them to go but onward and downward.  


Level 15

@BobKamman -  true.

I'm all for improvements, but not just for the sake of doing something. Often the 'old' way is still the 'best' way.

But, I *am* old - perhaps that's why ðŸ¤£

Level 15

I see the Refresh still is not fixed. When you first load to the "Community" listing, Recent still is not Recent. You have to then click Recent, to see the list as Recent, for viewing the list with the Recent tab as the selected tab.

Level 15
Level 15

OMG  why do they keep screwing up stuff that isnt broke and not fixing the things that are!!!

Level 15

On a scale of one to sucks, I would have to rate it as sucks.  Like Obi-Wan pointed out, it makes it a lot tougher to follow on a phone.  It seems that anytime we start getting used to something around this place someone at Intuit decides to "make it better".  We really should get a bunch of folks to go protest at Intuit headquarters.  But I'm guessing if we did, the Intuit decision makers would just head down to the bunker for an inspection and miss all of the fun.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review

Thanks for the feedback, we are looking into getting this fixed. 


Betty Jo 

Level 15

That little bell up in the right corner that tells you if you have notifications?  

It doesn't show up on my screen at the office, which is set in portrait mode.  At home, where it's landscape, I can see it.  

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